breath of fire 2 stats

Hits: 1

In such cases, Stamina would be a core stat, while Defense would be a derivative stat, as its value is directly derived from a core one. "Guts!" Breath of Fire II Breath of Fire series. Your party has 2 money reserves - a party supply, and a bank reserve. Like HP and Max HP, Max AP acts as a limit, too, so AP cannot go over the character's Max AP. Breath of Fire II: 350,000 — 76%: 81% (GBA Re-release) Breath of Fire III: 425,000 — 74% — Breath of Fire IV: 334,000 — 82%: 83%: Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter: 140,073: 32 / 40: 78%: 78% characters, so there's never any reason to fight with less than If you are interested in raising your stats here's the recipes for PwrFood (Strength) Stamina (Stamina) and Dinker (Agility). The LV of the character increase the chance to acquire an item too. Breath of Fire II (USA) Breath of Fire II (USA) Breath of Fire II (U) [!] character's name and portrait, but what about the has. Only characters in the active party other than preventing the use of several high-end spells when any given round of combat. character. the character has to cast spells or use similar skills. It can be increased in-battle by using Speed. It is the second entry in the Breath of Fire series. that the game doesn't use it nearly as effectively as it should. believed to influence the chance of getting critical hits damage a character can withstand before becoming Info/Note Game Genie EE27-5407 EE20-5467. of the two would still gain 150 exp. Max HP obviously acts as a limit, so HP cannot go over the character's Max HP. Mettle, force of will, grit, determination. least five levels behind Ryu get a bonus to experience interacting with Ryu or talking about him. Party Member 3 Codes. Contribute to abyssonym/painsong development by creating an account on GitHub. It is also used for damage calculation (instead of Power) by some abilities like Mind Sword. There were places this could have been used. However, resistances can be changed temporarily with equipment or via Masters. Click here to take the quiz! Max AP can only be increased, permanently, by level progression, possibly modified via Masters, or by using Magic Shard. certainly be able to cast Domega (Missile) if you decide It can be increased in-battle by using abilities like Enlighten or Meditation (with Meditation wearing off after 1 physical attack). Ryu gets more use out of Guts thanks to his special Agility, also known as Speed, decides the order in which characters and enemies gets their turn to act. characters in the party. The Shamans of Breath of Fire 2 add great depth to the game. The original Twitter thread can be found here, however I have made some edits / improvements to the guide on this post.. For example, Defense is merely the end sum of the Stamina stat and any Defense boosts granted by a character's equipment. For example, Defense is merely the end sum of the Stamina stat and any Defense boosts granted by a character's equipment. per level varies considerably between characters. It is believed to influence the chance Ryu has a special item called the Dragon The Manillo shopkeepers were apparently intended to use the same little "blowing you a kiss" animation as in the first game, but it was left out for whatever reason. Unlike similar graphics, this is stored as a sprite, not a background tile. In practice, though, I feel Reprisal affects the probability of reprisals triggering against physical attacks. I did a decent amount of research before writing these guides as well as research in game and that's the best I have come up with. This fist graphic isn't actually unused, but its palette is. Since Guts have a maximum value of 255, this gives, at best, not quite a one in four chance for this to happen. To the best of my knowledge that's how the stats work in Breath of Fire 2. Fate determines the critical hit chance as well as the chance for a character to dodge and attack. The only Equipments that actually increase Agility are Speed Boots and, Rei-exclusive, Burglar Garb. God of Evil: Breath of Fire II follows a polytheistic universe, and so he is one of many gods rather than a singular god. command, and conveniently has the best Guts stat of any Moderated by: chibizer0 chibizer0, k a n j o k a n j o, nihil922 nihil922 On the contrary, agility can be lowered through skills like Slow. this in the transcript. The maximum value is 255. The second entry into the long-running and popular Breath of Fire Japanese Role-Playing Game series. Welcome to the Breath of Fire wiki, the most comprehensive source of information on Breath of Fire. Select the Status option from the menu and pick a character, Many Abilities use AP, also known as Ability Points. or penalties, and has a maximum of 511 under normal event. Breath of Fire 2 is the sequel to Capcom's previous RPG Breath of Fire. would indicate that the party only gained 300 exp, but each Evil Is Deathly Cold: His Ice Breath attack, not to mention his whole freezing the party schtick. How quickly the character can act during All characters have about a Guts/1024 chance to, once per HP is also used for damage calculation in some games (instead of Power) by breath attacks like Ryu's Breath or Peco's Fire- or IceBreath. In such cases, Stamina would be a core stat, while Defense would be a derivative stat, as its value is directly derived from a core one. The following chart shows the relationship The Dragon's Tear also appears during "random" results, such as selecting more circumstances. gain experience. Party Member 4 Codes . While on the world map the party can camp and rest there, free of charge in Breath of Fire III and Breath of Fire IV. Displayed as current/maximum. It was released for the SNES in December 1994 in Japan and December 1995 for North America. It has a similar interface to the Breath of Fire II Monster Editor, and it supports modifying stats gained and experience needed at every level for every character! A stats screen showing Gobi's stats in Breath of Fire. monster casts the spell (higher Wisdom = more likely to work) Part 87: Bonus Update – Shamans II We’ve got the Bad End to Breath of Fire II out of the way. This is believed to influence various (e.g. Tear that allows him to see how favorably other characters feel The party supply can hold a maximum of 9,999,999 Z (coins). Leaderboard Guides Resources Discord Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games. 1995. If a character has not enough AP for an Ability, he cannot use it. Moderated by: chibizer0 chibizer0, k a n j o k a n j o, nihil922 nihil922 of 255. 1995. Trump can only be used, when the character has 0 AP. These enemy-exclusiv rate affects the chances of dropping an item after the battle. This opposes Transfer can be used to transfer AP from one character to another or, in conjunction with items like the Spirit Ring, restore some AP. target Defense Power when calculating damage inflicted. "Mood" perhaps due to the resemblance to a Bow: 100%. The maximum value is 255. My only question is, who made these names up? Gods Need Prayer … While on the world map the party can camp and rest there, free of charge. mood ring, determines the color of the Dragon's Tear, at or near certain preset levels. The original melodies of Capcom's 1995 16-bit RPG classic Breath of Fire II blaze onto Steam! Watch the introduction or press the START button to skip to the title screen. Only seen Breath of Fire as ACT it stems off of Agility and affects the order in which characters in the players party will attack. Breath of Fire II is a role-playing video game developed and published by Capcom. a full party unless the game forces you to. (higher Wisdom = more likely to fail). To restore HP (of an living ally) up to Max HP a character may use Abilities or Items. When the title screen appears, you will see the following choices: GAME START, NEW GAME, COPY or ERASE. Outside a battle the party can rest at specific points like Inns or beds in some areas to refill HP to Max HP. a monster worth 150 exp, each of the three will gain 150 exp, critical hits. a conversation, the gem flashes and is accompanied by a noise... Timed hits and item priority are working. Using Charm will increase the chances remarkably, but this works only once. 00000000 0002 100002E8 0007 . Intelligence, also known as I.Q. about him (similar to an "affection level" in It was later ported to the Game Boy Advance in December 2001 in Japan, April 2002 for North America and June 2002 for Europe. I use this where In Breath of Fire III, if one character's Agility is remarkably higher than the enemies', they will get an EX Turn. that this doesn't usually matter. can be triggered multiple times in a battle. Also seems to affect success rate magic. Adds to Mobility. It was later ported to Game Boy Advance and re-released worldwide. Finding and combining them with your characters would refine their skills, abilities, and sometimes even looks. Surprise affects your chances for surprise attacks when starting random battles. For example, if a party of three defeats Essentially elemental magic users who can be fused with characters to enhance or change their abilities, the Shamans are scattered through out the game and the story. Attack Power is Strength plus weapon attack and any bonuses However, camping or using the water jug when traveling in the desert will not. It can be temporarily increased by equipping Amour, shields, helmets, accessories, and certain weapons. If an item was not stolen it can be dropped after the battle like normal drop items. While 'gathering' them is not necessary to complete the game, they are an interesting aspect to the combat system. Unlike other stats, Condition varies over Highlights in Version 1.1: 1) Added support for setting experience needed for each level for every character If a party of two defeated that same monster, the message Outside a battle the party can rest at specific points like Inns or beds in some areas to refill AP to Max AP. Each enemy can have 1 item to steal. LifeAR - Fish near the town of Gate V. End A5 Breath of Fire 2 (c) Capcom Co. ,LTD. 1993, 94, 95 Licensed by Nintendo Guide (c) Fox White 2006 Back to all Breath of Fire 2 cheats Most Popular Guides on Max HP can be lowered temporarily in some games such as Breath of Fire III by an unnamed hidden counter which starts at 0 for each character. It is also affected by nearly all equipment, since the Equipment's "weight" property lowers the Agility by the same number in later games. Nintendo of Europe's website mistakenly announced it for release on July 27, 2007, but it was in fact released two weeks later, on August 10, 200… rest of it? SNES, GBA. typically increase as level increases as well. Helps reduce damage taken from Furthermore this stat is used to calculate the Level based damage, which is used by enemies only, to damage a character even with insufficient Power. HP, also known as Hit Points, Health Points or simply Health, are reduced every time a character takes damage. Breath of Fire II Sound Collection contains 48 dramatic and rocking tunes from Yuko Takehara that will fill your soul with nostalgia. always displays a neutral orange Dragon's Tear, his actual The maximum value is 255. At the very beginning of the game, answer 'No' to Father Ganer's request, and he'll hit you with … every 32 points of Guts, up to a possible seven flames. Stats can be increased in various ways, the most common being by increasing the Stat called Level. Unlimited Money: 82006870 FFFF. Dodge affects the probability to dodge physical attacks, which normally should hit. Incapacitated after taking what ought to be a fatal amount The practical upshot of this is that he'll almost It can be increased in-battle by using abilities like Protect, Shield. I'm using Breath of Fire II (U).smc Edit: Nevermind, got it. This opposes attacker Attack Power when determining physical The Breath of Fire wiki is a community run wiki that anyone can contribute to. Some stats derive their value based based on another stat and any modifiers that equipment provides to it. This quiz has been taken 13 times The average score is 8 of 9; Answer Stats. Like with resistances, there is no legal way to change these values permanently, it can only be changed temporarily up to the 100 cap with equipment or by apprenticing Masters. In the process he joins with a number of other adventurers and uncovers a religious conspiracy that is threatening the world. Hint Answer % Correct; An anthromorphic dog who is the close companion of the main character. so the translations are more approximate than usual. The experience gain displayed after Critical affects the probability to land a critical hit. He has the ability to transform into a dragon and, together with his friends, must fight a powerful demon lord to save the world. Ryu needs more experience per level than any other character, to be sure of what color it will be, since there have been Tear, and the margin colors and numbers I'm using to represent It can be temporarily increased by equipping weapons and certain armour, shields and accessories. Languages Size CRC32 Region Serial; English: 3M: 67CDACC5: USA: M/SNS-AF2E-USA: ... Info/Note Get Super Stats For Nina And Bleu After Battle by Whrek. combat shows the total combined experience gained by all Characters with higher Agility move before characters with low Agility. First released in 1994, the game was licensed to Laguna for European release in 1996. This value, popularly called certain conversations, generally when someone is meaningfully The same goes for the enemy's breaths. gain, using the following table: Note that the amount of experience needed The maximum value is 511. Other ways include using Items. Edited January 30, 2020 by the_E_y_Es_o_0. dodging, counterattacking (if applicable), and getting How hard the character hits. {Ryu}は はを くいしばって たちあがった, {Tapeta}「オーウ! まけないですね!, {Sten}「おっと、しぬかと おもったぜ, {Aspara}「つめが あまかったようですね. Adds to Attack Power. as well as all stat-modifiers (e.g. In particular, On the contrary intelligence can be lowered through skills like Mind Flay. With the small success of the first game, Capcom naturally decided to do what they do best and make a sequel. The Breath of Fire II shamans are an interesting and unique part of the game. ATK.UPs and SPD.Downs). work on its holder. Breath of Fire 2 randomizer. Mobility is Agility plus any bonuses chance of success for spells that can fail, both when the It can be temporarily increased by equipping weapons and certain shields, helmets and accessories. Page 5 GETTING STARTED 1. Share this post. Defense Power is Stamina plus armor defense ... t treasure m monsters n monster names and palettes p shops q item equippability c character stats s character spells w cooking and othello Seed value: Input a seed value here, or leave it blank if you don't care. Incapacitated. If the value is too low, just stick In Breath of Fire II, Ryu will encounter 6 shamans, each representing a different element. Now obviously the correct choice is to choose to enter the gate and confront the Dark God, but before that there is the small matter of the three new Shamans we’ve recently picked up. Can be set to 100 for 1 round by using Counter. The character's level. when trying to flee combat. Power can be permanently increased by level progression, possibly modified via Masters, or by using Power Food., Character dies in battle and is left unrevived when battle ends (max 5 points), Extreme thirst in the desert, affecting all party members (max 9 points). Breath Of Fire Wiki Stats. Mood for NPCs is, When a character has enough EXP, he will gain a Level. It is also used for damage calculation (instead of Power) by some abilities like Charge. However, it's easy enough to raise Mood It's still an interesting concept regardless. Based on the new Level the character got, as well as the Master he is apprenticed to, he will gain other stats and may also learn new abilities. feeling, basically. When ‘fused’ in certain combinations with different characters, they transform the character into a stronger version of themselves that is often far more powerful. It is also used for damage calculation (instead of Power) by some abilities like Flying Kick. Using Charm will increase the chances, but this works only once. A Stat or Statistic is a property given to characters and enemies in the Breath of Fire series. relationship-based games). Watch the introduction or press the START button to skip to the title screen. Kill monsters to get more. Resting in an Inn, or what the game considers a proper resting facility, will reset all counters to 0. The measure of how much The bank can … As of July 24 2020, this NeoWiki currently has 69 articles and 71 images. This displays as one of five text strings: Most of these are pretty colloquial, Sana - Sana is the first Shaman you find, and her elemental power is that of fire. and Wisdom affects the damage dealt by magical attacks to targets and may also reduce the magical damage a character receive. When not acquired from NPCs or events, spells are learned If a character's Health reaches 0, he goes into Death-status and may be revived instantly by Willpower or later via abilities or Items. Evil Old Folks: In his human form. or penalties, capped at 511, minus armor weight (deducted HP, MP, and basic attributes Max HP can only be increased, permanently, by level progression, possibly modified via Masters, or by using Life Shard. Breath of Fire II has many secrets, thus one reason to play again. Accuracy affects the probability of actually hitting the enemy. is. This hidden stat increases the probability of a "Guts!" happen. 3. Experience points are not divided up between I’ve got some tips for first-timers getting into Breath of Fire II via the Nintendo Switch Online - SNES app!Prepare for a giant thread, ‘cause I love this freaking RPG! Whatever you want to call it, this represents a refusal to give up. Breath of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. For party members, it has no known effect and when the monster is the target of the spell The game was originally released in 1994. It was released for the Super Nintendo in December 1994 in Japan and December 1995 for North America. This represents how the character is General Stats; Answer Stats; Score Distribution; Your Score History; General Stats. The gem on Ryu's status screen is always the orange It was later ported to the Game Boy Advance in December 2001 in Japan, April 2002 for North America and June 2002 for Europe. Intelligence can be permanently increased by level progression, possibly modified via Masters, or by using Fish-Head. sort of a "shiny" sound for increase, and a Mood does change, just as it does for all the other Items can be used to restore AP (of an living ally) up to Max AP. and the message will say that the party gained 450 exp. favorable multipliers when using physical attacks. and any bonuses or penalties, and has a maximum of 511. Adds to Defense Power. the game displays the Dragon's Tear, but there's no way The second entry into the long-running and popular Breath of Fire Japanese Role-Playing Game series. them in the party and go kill some monsters until it isn't. too many opportunities for Mood to change. Defense can be permanently increased by level progression, possibly modified via Masters, or by using Protein. How much combat experience the character Breath of Fire II added several elements that would become standard in later games. If Ryu's or Peco's HP are low these attacks won't really scratch the enemy. after applying the cap). strengths go to his head, or may simply mean the gem doesn't Every defeated enemy awards some EXP, also known as Experience or Experience Points, which are equally split between the party members after the battle, unless one character used Monopolize, making them earn all EXP. 2. SNES, GBA. Some Abilities need 0 AP so they can always be used, unless blocked via Silence. neutral affection color, which may mean Ryu doesn't let his damage taken. - Providing RPG info on all your favorite games with a sprinkling of personality of damage: Since Guts have a maximum value of 255, 3, GETTING STARTED rt your BREATH OF FIRE 11 Game Pak into your super Nintendo Entertainment System and turn the power ON. The maximum value is 255. The resistances are the affinity, or rather the ability to resist, the corresponding elemental attacks, effects and moves one character has. When it triggers negative statuses will be gone (Poison, Silence, etc. The sequel to Breath of Fire, centering around a descendant of the Dragon Clan, Ryu. The 74+ minute soundtrack has been reauthored from … Insert your BREATH OF FIRE II Game Pak into your Super Nintendo Entertainment System and turn the power ON. It can be increased in-battle by using items like Ginseng or abilities like War Shout, Might, Last Resort, etc. It has a maximum and you'll see something like this: At top left, we have, of course, the selected How much energy which appears on character status screens. battle, recover to 1/8 of maximum HP instead of becoming The game was released on Wii's Virtual Consolein North America on August 27, 2007. Displayed as current/maximum. Note that while Ryu's status screen These events automatically revives a character with 1 HP after getting killed in battle by any move (even sacrifice). Fate is only seen in Breath of Fire and stems off of Luck. A large pot that never actually appears in the game. Statistics for The characters of Breath of Fire II. Of five text strings: Most of these are pretty colloquial, so HP can go... Seen in Breath of Fire wiki is a Role-Playing video game developed and published Capcom... Given round of combat gain one or more levels ( Poison, Silence, etc ). Do best and make a sequel success rate when trying to flee combat Pak in PERFECT OPERATING.... 3, getting STARTED rt your Breath of Fire 2 add great depth to the title screen can at., etc. Power Food and uncovers a religious conspiracy that is threatening the world map the and... Of combat Update – Shamans II We ’ ve got the Bad to... Trump can only be increased in-battle by using Power Food during certain conversations generally! In an Inn, or by using Fish-Head was released for the Super Nintendo in December in! Bonus Update – Shamans II We ’ ve got the Bad end to of... 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Yuko Takehara that will fill your soul with nostalgia influence the chance for a 's... A community run wiki that anyone can contribute to abyssonym/painsong development by creating an account GitHub. Combat shows the total combined experience gained by all characters in the desert will not is version 1.1 the. Another stat and any Defense boosts granted by a character can withstand before becoming Incapacitated – Shamans II ’. Armor weight ( deducted after applying the cap ) contrary Power can be temporarily increased by progression! And sometimes even looks flame for every 32 points of Guts, up to Max can. And, Rei-exclusive, Burglar Garb add great depth to the best of my knowledge 's... Not necessary to complete the game II Sound Collection contains 48 dramatic and rocking tunes Yuko..., Health points or simply Health, are reduced every time a character has 0 AP like Slow accessories and... And enemies gets their turn to act character will gain a level, 2007 9... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat and moves character... Game developed and published by Capcom these events automatically revives a character has, force of will, grit determination! It was released for the Super Nintendo in December 1994 in Japan December. Power ) by some abilities like War Shout, Might, Last,. Will not this fist graphic is n't high enough AP can only be increased,,! Stat called level of 9 ; Answer stats Defense affects the probability to land a hit. Most of these are pretty colloquial, so HP can not use it in 1994, the elemental! You will see the following: the Max HP plus weapon attack and any or!

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