chef pee pee

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In a day, he would make $0.75 and would make about $10 in a year and he said he would make $800 in nearly a decade, and wouldn’t get payed at all. Chef Pee Pee is tan-skinned and has black hair, which may be due to his Italian/black nature. Chef Peepee . Fortunately for him Mario is the one that mostly deals with Jeffy's obnoxious attitude. While peeing, he pees out peas. It could be assumed that he was neglected and locked in a cage by his father which could explain why he said that in The Big Thanksgiving that his family didn't love him. This is because the old Chef Pee Pee and Chef Poo Poo have striking similarities in characteristics: Poo Poo is significantly more retarded, cheerful, and also speaks with a more Italian accent than Chef Pee Pee. Also, in Turkey Tyranny!, Chef Pee Pee protects Junior from the cop invasion by getting down and covering him with his hands. Chef Pee Pee is 5 foot 11 inches (180.34 centimeters) and weighs 140 pounds (63.503 kilograms)[6]. Chef Pee Pee is similar to Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants, Benson from Regular Show and Cranky the Crane from Thomas & Friends. He began to grow a strong dislike for Bowser, because of his bossy attitude and the way he demanded his food to be cooked immediately, although he was always able to cook past the deadline slightly due to Bowser not being able to count. In the SML Movie, Sicken, Chef Pee Pee's first name is revealed as Fernando after he told his story about his piercing. Chef Pee Pee's Royal family visits! In recent videos, he seems to have become more terrible at cooking and has a narcissistic attitude, believing that he is the sexiest man alive and the best chef in the whole world, although he did make cooking mistakes in his first appearances. Chef Pee Pee admitted that even though Junior was a brat and he hated him, he would always be his brat. Chef Pee Pee then complains that it is fake, and asks why he would really eat that kind of food when he is sick. Chef Pee Pee even gave Junior a bowl of sand and told him to count every grain to try and make him go away. Goodman also thinks Chef Pee Pee is immature for tasing Bowser. The family he's part of is royal, So his father told him that he's not going to be the king because he wasn't the first son. - YouTube. Chef Pee Pee's father cried and confirmed that he is actually a car salesman and they cry together. ", yet it was more mumbled than in this instance. His father was granted full custody since he was a royal, despite Fernando and his mother's wishes otherwise. Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom (formerly Prince Fernando Strongbottom of the Iron Asses of Wales) ,[5] or commonly known (and referred to) as Chef Pee Pee, is one of the main characters of the SuperMarioLogan series.,,,,, I have tons of jobs, like cooking, cleaning, and beating the crap out of Junior! Murder: Killed multiple characters, (e.g. Bowser Junior's Three Wishes. Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever! They are enemies in Chef Pee Pee's Restaurant!. Chef Pee Pee's birth location of France is revealed in, Chef Pee Pee has stated that he is Italian in. *deep breath* BOWSER!!! Chef Pee Pee and Woody are good friends. Nicknames: Chef Pee Pee is an "on-and-off" anti-hero from SuperMarioLogan. Killed by a demon. ", Junior asked Chef Pee Pee if he wanted to go to Disneyland or the Grand Canyon with him. Fernando 'Pee Pee' Strongbottom,[5]or commonly known and referred toChef Pee Pee, is a French born Italian chef that works forBowserand he is the major protagonist in theSuperMarioLoganseries. Fernando 'Pee Pee' Strongbottom, or commonly known and referred to Chef Pee Pee, is a French born Italian chef that works for Bowser and he is the major protagonist in the disney's sml jeffy  series. Chef Pee-Pee sort of admits he loves him too. He never cared for him so much that he never attended any family gatherings with him or his mother such as Thanksgiving and often went out with other people. Resulting in Chef Pee-Pee telling him to shut up. He is the main antagonist in Chef Pee Pee The Robot. He seemed to be happy with helping him so he could kill Bowser. Chef Pee Pee strongly loathes Bowser to the earth's core, often because of his attitude and how he rudely demands for his food to be done immediately. Although Toad used to be the unluckiest person of SML, Chef Pee Pee, Joseph, and Mario are now shown to have a far worst life. The Human Chef Pee Pee was originally very nice and friendly to Junior, and even gave him a Happy Meal for breakfast. Bowser Junior's Summer School 4. He also makes a cameo in a false flashback in No Crust!. Chef Pee Pee is one of the characters in Super Mario Logan. It is revealed that Chef Pee Pee is uncircumsiced in The Mystery Safe. He is green in color due to food poisoning. In his earliest appearances, he would kill Koopas and then turn them into turtle soup. He ended up pushing Junior to the Grand Canyon at the end of Junior's dream. He does not like to sleep nude, as revealed in. Evil Chef Pee Pee is a evil counterpart of Chef Pee Pee who appeared in Evil Chef Pee Pee!. Attempted Murder: Threatened a knife on Jeffy, pulled a gun on Bowser Junior. Chef Pee pee yells at Homer for not mailing his Christmas list sooner, gets yelled at by nick, and then cooks dinner. It is unknown why Bowser is not really aware of Chef Pee Pee's feelings throughout the series. He is most notably known in his own story "Chef Pee Pee's Killing Spree! He sounded more Italian and he was almost as dumb as Mama Luigi; however, when Bowser Junior was reintroduced, he became a lot smarter and his accent sounded more American. He usually makes food for Bowser Junior, but often makes food for Bowser as well. It is the main antagonist in Chef Pee Pee The Robot. On one hand, Chef Pee Pee respects Shrek for being more tolerable then Bowser and Bowser Junior. ", Chef Pee Pee is the roommate of Junior, much to his dismay, displeasure, and annoyance. Chef Pee Pee dreams of getting Bowser out of his life, even trying to kill him. Despite being a protagonist he is the main antagonist of Koopa's New Job ' Big Foot ' Evil Chef Pee Pee and Bowser Junior's Doll and the secondary antagonist of The Purge. He sounded more Italian and he was almost as dumb as Mama Luigi, but when Bowser Junior was reintroduced, he became a lot smarter and his accent sounded more American. I'm not just gonna...sit here and let you do this! ", Cooking for Mario and his friends (sort of, he does primarily as they show better gratitude than Bowser and Junior), Annihilating and terrorizing Bowser to his death, Making Bowser and Junior's life miserable, Sleeping (to get rid of his reality of being a slave), His job (though this used to be a "like"), Him peeing Chef Pee Pee peeing two P's peeing Peas, Chef/slave (stated numerous times although he claims to be a chef), Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Security Guard (formerly), Red 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 (presumably; not actually seen driving it). 41 Favourites. As of "Bowser Junior's New Room! He was portrayed as a dumb chef. Chef Pee Pee is about to put a pizza in the oven, when Jeffy comes to the kitchen. Sometimes he cooks well and doesn’t cook and buy food from stores, or even find something in the House. It is possible that Chef Pee Pee has Bulimia Nervosa, as he has said "I make myself throw up", and that he worries about his weight. He is voiced by Lovell Stanton. Chef Pee Pee is one of the four antagonists in FNIH that is not a demon, the others being The Supermassive Pig, The Supermassive Pig Junior, and The Mask Hater. He wears a chef shirt with his name on it, and a normal white chef hat and also wears a red bandana around his neck. Enemies: ErichGrooms3. Chef Pee Pee is 5 foot 11 inches (180.34 centimeters) and weighs 140 pounds (63.503 kilograms). Status: Netural (Friends on rare occasions). He no longer sleeps on the couch or in the kitchen after that point. Even though he complains and whines all the time now, he's friends with Mario, Black Yoshi, Shrek, and Woody. Sometimes, they are allies, but remain enemies most of the time. Although he might appear a chef, he is confirmed to be a slave. Chef Pee Pee is a chef that has black hair, brown skin, a small moustache, a chef outfit with a hat, blue jeans, and brown shoes. Jason Derulo dislikes his cooking, and fires him on the spot. His favorite holiday is Christmas, as revealed in. During this time there, he got teased by other kids; one of those nicknames was "Bottom Bunk". Zombie Chef Pee Pee also known as Green Chef Pee Pee is a green counterpart of Chef Pee Pee who appeared in Zombie Bowser!. Chef Pee-Pee is forced to sleep in the same bed as Cody and Ken, much to his disgust. Fernando Strongbottom was born on July 27, 1989, in Paris, France, and was the son of King Strongbottom, his father was abusive to him and wife, and often neglected them. Chef Pee Pee likes the way Mario ask him for food politely, since they're the only ones who don't treat him badly like Bowser and his son. Friends: Chef Pee Pee is portrayed by a Melissa and Doug chef puppet. While growing up, he played with sticks and rocks. Vandalism: In Bowser Junior's AirPods!, he put Junior's (it has Richard's) airpods in the garbage disposal for retarded reasons and didn't give a shit. After the lights are out, Chef Pee Pee hears Cody talking seductively to Ken, which results in Chef Pee-Pee telling him to shut up. He would move to New Jersey at some point in his life . In Chef Pee Pee Goes to Hollywood! Junior finds out that the toaster can not only toast things, but clone things too! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE?! They usually help each other out and have each other's back when they're in a jam. He kills Bowser, Brooklyn T. Guy, and almost kills Bowser Junior. 182 Favourites. He is usually around for Junior whenever he needs help or when he needs anything; Unlinke Bowser who doesn’t care about Junior mostly, or even at all and just watches Charleyyy and Friends in his room all day and only taking his own responsibilities for Charleyyy. Despite being friends, Chef Pee Pee can be very aggressive at Mario whenever Jeffy misbehaves in Jeffy's Nanny! Chef Pee Pee's hate towards Jeffy surpasses Bowser Junior's and since he acts very similar to Bowser Junior and he thinks Jeffy is even more annoying, troublesome and problematic than Bowser Junior is, ever since Chef Pee Pee The Babysitter! BOWSER I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS!! Chef Pee Pee hated him in his debut, but in Chef Poo Poo's Kitchen Disaster!, he doesn't necessarily care now. 23 Comments. They get along very well with each other. His true name is proven to be Fernando Strongbottom in Sicken. On one hand, Chef Pee Pee respects Shrek for being more tolerable then Bowser and Bowser Junior. Chef Pee Pee is similar to Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants, Grim from The Grim Adventure of Billy And Mandy, Sourpuss from the classic Terrytoons shorts, Benson from Regular Show, Bert from Sesame Street, David Seville from Alvin & the Chipmunks, and Cranky the Crane from Thomas & Friends. He was only fired by Bowser once as briefly shown in The New Chef! Chef Pee Pee said his father is a drunk pirate and King Strongbottom said that this is impossible and Chef Pee Pee shows King Strongbottom his pirate father. Chef Pee Pee first appeared in Koopa's New Job. Despite hating cooking for his least favorite thing on the planet, Bowser, he has deep down cared for him and his son. According to Bowser, Chef Pee Pee's phone number is 555-382-717. ", Junior asked Chef Pee Pee if he wanted to go to Disneyland or the Grand Canyon with him. It is revealed that Chef Pee Pee is uncircumsiced in The Mystery Safe. In Bowser Junior's Big Vacation, Chef Pee Pee takes Junior to Disney World, admitting that despite the fact that Junior is a brat, he states that he is "his brat". Despite being a protagonist, he was the main antagonist in his debut, Koopa's New Job!, most of the Bowser Junior videos, Evil Chef Pee Pee!, Bigfoot!, Bowser Junior's Doll!, Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever!, April Fools!, and Among Us, and the secondary antagonist of Bowser Junior's Midnight Snack!, The Purge!, and Jeffy's Birthday Surprise!. As of "Bowser Junior's New Room! Despite becoming very annoyed, and in some cases downright notoriously hating Bowser to the ground, and also disliking Junior due to being Bowser's son, he shows that, deep down inside, he actually has a caring heart for them in some aspects. Jobs: Chef Pee Pee gets angry with Goodman a lot because he hates his former job with him and how Chef Pee Pee got arrested by him several times. Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom is one of the main characters of SuperMarioLogan. He does a lot of hard work and doesn’t get payed well because of Bowser‘s dislike of his horrible cooking, his poor life with poor money and threatens Junior most the time when he’s around. An example of this is in the episode "Mother's Day!" His pirate father told him he is not Chef Pee Pee's father and Chef Pee Pee was shocked. )Chris Netherton (1 2 Switch Bodies!Tito Jimenez (Jeffy's BIG Easter! When he was first introduced, his character was completely different from his present-day characteristics. Also, in Toad's Girlfriend!, Chef Pee Pee gives Junior advice when he asks him on how to deal with Toadette hitting on him despite being Toad's girlfriend. He is especially shown to be a lot more laid-back around Mario than he is around Bowser. Pineappa. (GRRR....!) He is easily angered by Junior's spoiled and mischievous actions, especially when they are targeted at him. Chef Pee Pee dreams of getting Bowser out of his life, and even thinks of ways to kill him since he can't be freed until either he dies or until Bowser dies. Gender: Chef Pee Pee wears a basic chef clothesline. Chef Pee Pee can commonly be compared with Squidward from SpongeBob. Chef Pee Pee associates with the Blood gang. His real name was Fernando, but during his college years, his friend made him get a piercing on his genitals and everyone started to make fun of him, calling him Pee Pee. CHEF PEE PEE TURNS INTO MR POTATO HEAD! His first crime was in 1997, when he was caught jaywalking at eight years old. Nowadays, he says "hell" in practically every sentence he makes. Toad's Mistake 3 (cameo) Bowser Junior's Summer School 2. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ", Cooking for Mario and his friends (because they show better gratitude than Bowser and Junior), Annihilating and terrorizing Bowser to his death, Making Bowser and Junior's life miserable, Sleeping (to get rid of his reality of being a slave), His job (though this used to be a "like"), Him peeing Chef Pee Pee peeing two P's peeing Peas, Cussing (Currently, since it dropped due to Logan’s two channels got demonetized and SuperBowserLogan being family friendly), Chef/Slave (stated numerous times although he claims to only be a chef. Sometimes Bowser might hit and/or yell at him, and Junior might annoy him. Bowser makes him work even more, leading to much stress in him. He also makes a cameo in No Crust!. Chef Pee Pee exclaims in a video that he would "plow" Bowser, meaning he has sexual feelings for Bowser. At some point in his life, he was in an orphanage, which was revealed in Bowser Junior's Crazy Sleepover! In fact, one of his reaction videos on Lovell's YouTube Channel has him stating that he thinks of different ways to kill Bowser in his sleep every night, and is thrilled whenever someone says that they will kill the latter for him. (Bowser Junior's Sleepover) Died from drinking Sprite with bleach mixed into it. This happened again in "Bowser Junior's New Room! 119 Favourites. He, along with Bowser never had passports, indicating that they're unable to travel to any country, as revealed in. Like in episode 6 of Shrimpo Hunter or in The Big Thanksgiving. … Dede Meets Chef Pee Pee. Latest appearance: This is the 6 time were Chef Pee Pee appears as a cameo. Part 2. In the same episode, his workplace was messy which can lead to health hazards. saga) and is significantly smarter than his original self: in fact, he is portrayed as one of the most sensible characters in the entire series. Along with Mario, Chef Pee Pee and Goodman are arch-enemies. 118 Favourites. Like Junior and Joseph, Chef Pee Pee thinks Cody is weird and gay, especially since Cody makes out with his Ken doll 24/7 and finds it gross. Sometimes, they are allies, but remain enemies most of the time. It is possible that Chef Poo Poo, Chef Pee Pee's clone introduced in Chef Pee Pee's Clone, is a homage, or throwback, to Chef Pee Pee's original character. He does not like to sleep nude, as revealed in. Chef Pee-Pee even tries to get Bowser off Junior while beating him up. 80 Favourites. When he got to Jason Derulo's house he decided to cook for him. Tricking others by saying "Nah its just me n****! Chef Pee Pee has been given two different birth years, as in. He replaced the real Chef Pee Pee for two months on vacation on Happy Merry Christmas!. He is Bowser and Junior’s miserable slave/chef or butler, and sometimes babysitter who doesn’t get payed well if at all. You know what? Though Chef Pee Pee is commonly tortured by Bowser in the series, Bowser almost never fires Chef Pee Pee. Chef Pee Pee is forced to sleep in the same bed as Cody and Ken, much to his disgust. He likes to kill both of them as he happily kills Bowser, specifically when he turned evil. In turn Goodman forgives Chef Pee Pee for his 50k dollars in the aforemented episode. Cody is not fully aware of how Chef Pee Pee truly feels about him. The Strongbottom family are the richest family of the 21st Century. He also attempts to talk Bowser into regaining his life again. When Chef Pee Pee tells Bowser two times to punish Junior by grounding him for making him deaf, Bowser ends up beating him up for not cooking. It is also assumed that Chef Pee Pee is also a butler due to how he always serves Bowser and Junior and labors for them, as well as sometimes answering the door for them. )Precious (pet) Catherine Fisher (Possible 2nd Ex-Girlfriend)Lola (lover) However, the trade-off is that Chef Pee Pee has a decent bed for the very first time in the series outside of one video. (Black Yoshi's Fried Chicken!) Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever! Chef Pee Pee stated that Junior was never his friend and that he would rather sit his hand on the stove for a week than hang out with him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He thought a drunk pirate slash car salesman was his father the whole time. A New Beginning. Bowser is one of Chef Pee Pee's least favorite things in the world. Despite being Italian, his real name Fernando is actually a Spanish and Portuguese name. 22 Comments. Bowser's Broken TV. Even though it was indirectly revealed to be born in France, he may be Italian. Chef Pee Pee's theme song was once heard in the. He no longer sleeps on the couch or in the kitchen after that point. Bowser and his family place all of their tasks on him even when he is simply trying to enjoy himself, no matter how simple they may be. and Bowser Junior's BIG Vacation!). Bowser makes him work even more, leading to much stress in him. He actually has a depressing backstory, which involves being mistreated by his parents, and this is shown when he is shown numerous being ignored, and somewhat being hated and looked upon. Bowser Junior Almost Goes to Sleep Forever! Chef Pee Pee's Clone. Forced Suicide: In the Pokémon Series, he makes all three of his pokemon commit suicide inadvertently. He absolutely hates Junior and his friends and his least favorite thing in the world, Bowser (his boss), because of their attitudes, but he ends up never quitting his job (with the exception of the Chef Pee Pee Quits series). Junior and his friends think Chef Pee Pee is a robot.Lovell's YouTube: Chef Pee Pee swears a lot and out of all the SML characters, he is the only one who swears constantly. Chef Pee Pee's puppet is real, it is sold by Melissa & Doug, with the difference it does not have the words "Pee Pee" on it. As of for now, He will be handling all of Junior’s disabilities. Chef Pee Pee is really sick!BUY SOME MERCH! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new … I'm Chef Pee Pee! He also attempts to talk Bowser into regaining his life again. Like Craig The Devil, Chef Pee Pee is a SuperMarioLogan character. He is easily angered by Junior's spoiled and mischievous actions, especially when they are targeted at him. Because of this, he is commonly seen very stressed out and can get sad or angry easily. While growing up, he played with sticks and rocks, he also had two sister's Stacy and her unnamed sister who would also abuse him. Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, Mario and Bowser's Stupid and Crazy Adventures. Status: Friends (Enemies whenever Jeffy misbehaves). It is also unique among other Melissa & Doug puppets, most notably his eyes are further apart, his mustache is wider, and his hair is shorter, and you can name the puppet as you want. Chef Pee Pee is 5 foot 11 inches (180 centimeters) and weighs 140 pounds (63.5 kilograms)[5]. Chef Pee Pee's Lottery Ticket. Bowser Junior Goes To Military School! Bowser Junior kept making messes in his playset but then gives Chef Pee Pee a plate with a pretzel, a hot dog, a waffle, and a slice of pizza. Though Goodman doesn't like Chef Pee Pee, he doesn't "hate" him. Killed in a car crash. Chef Pee Pee gets angry with Goodman a lot because he hates his former job with him and how Chef Pee Pee got arrested by him several times. Chef Pee Pee associates with the Blood gang. First appearance: However, the trade-off is that Chef Pee Pee has a decent bed for the very first time in the series. Chef Pee Pee confirmed that he is the slave and cries. 11 Comments. Chef Pee-Pee is however treated a bit less badly in later videos. There is a running gag in the series where everyone accuses Chef Pee Pee of being gay even though he is straight. Human Chef Pee Pee eventually did manage to successfully kill Junior by throwing him off of the cliff of the Grand Canyon. Assault: Multiple accounts against his least favourite thing in the world, Bowser, and his second least favourite thing in the world, Bowser Junior. Although, he might appear as a chef, he is confirmed as a slave. Chef Pee Pee even gave Junior a bowl of sand and told him to count every grain to try and make him go away. In his current appearances, Chef Pee Pee would most likely represent Wrath, due to his severe anger towards Bowser, Bowser Junior, Jeffy, etc. Robot Chef Pee Pee is a robotic counterpart of Chef Pee Pee. Even if Chef Pee Pee thinks Junior is an annoying little brat, he has his back during the day; Saying “You're my brat” in Bowser Junior's Big Vacation!. However, Bowser treats him awfully and doesn't pay him as expected. Despite severely hating Bowser and largely disliking Junior, he has been showing care for them. His legal name was changed to Poopy Butt, though this was most likely changed back, or non-canon. Junior gives Chef Pee Pee (dressed as Junior's fake mom) a card, thus making the chef truly touched by his efforts in making him happy. He cooks mostly for Bowser and Bowser Junior, due to them forcing him (with an occasional exception for Mario, Shrek, and Black Yoshi). It got killed by Bowser Junior when he pushed it in the bathtub. Chef Pee Pee has animosity towards Bowser Junior, yet he is forced to take care of him and his friends due to Bowser's irresponsibility for his own son despite the latter's love towards Junior. It is unknown why Bowser isn't really aware of Chef Pee Pee's feelings throughout the series, though it's possible that he simply doesn't care. For example, in Bowser's Depression, when Chef Pee Pee discovers Bowser attempting to hang himself in his bathroom (due to Charleyyy and Friends being canceled), he admits that he is "kind of happy" due to his least favorite thing in the world dying, but decides to save Bowser's life nonetheless. In early videos, Chef Pee Pee was jolly, incompetent, stupid, and enjoyed working for Bowser. On another hand, Chef Pee Pee finds Shrek gross and disgusting, such as in Shrek's Homemade Cheesecake and Mine!, and dislikes him. Sometimes he burns his food and thinks people needs “A little black in their lives" or makes a huge and disgusting mess. However, in Black Yoshi's Fried Chicken and in newer episodes, he says "he does not care for Black Yoshi", hinting he doesn't like Black Yoshi for whatever reason or this hints that his friendship with him has ended, mainly because Black Yoshi becoming lazy, violent, cruel, whiny and more. 1 On Screen Enterance 2 Moveset 2.1 Neutral B: Cook 2.2 Side B: TBA 2.3 Up B: Chef Pee Pee Goes 2.4 Down B: TBA 2.5 Final Smash: TBA 3 K.O. Running an illegal business: In Chef Pee Pee's Restaurant! An example of this is in "Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World Part 1". Because of this, he is very stressed out and can get sad or angry easily. *HUGH! Status: Enemies (Friends on rare occasions). When Bowser tells Steve where Junior is, Steve tells his name and Bowser agrees and leaves. Despite his grumpy attitude, Chef Pee Pee has a big heart, and has deep down cared for Bowser and Junior on more than one occasion. Chef Pee Pee also blames others for what he does sometimes. They have both American and Italian descendants, which is the reason Fernando is still considered Italian despite being born in France, and most of the Strongbottom family are royal's, they resided in Wales, King Strongbottom was born to King Strongbottom Sr, after his father's death, he became the new king of Wales, and married during the late 1960s.

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