uk police glossary

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MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food MIBK Methyl Iso-butyl Ketone These terms are rarely used by the police themselves. TI Trace and Interview Report (SAR) glossary codes and reporting routes. DVLA Driving Vehicle Licensing Authority RDS Rural Development Service This site is a beta, which means it's a work in progress and we'll be adding more to it over the next few weeks. PALS Police And Local Schools OR Patient Advice and Liaison Service (NHS) PAR-Q Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire PAT Problem Analysis Triangle PAVA Incapacity spray (also known as PARVA) PAYE Pay as You Earn PAYP Positive Activities for Young People PA Police Authority PC Police Constable or Personal Computer or Politically Correct SSU Scientific Support Unit PFX (Police radio) DVI Disaster Victim Identification CPA Crime Pattern Analysis or Child Protection Agency ISO Information Security Officer PPE Personal Protective Equipment SAMM Support After Murder and Manslaughter Neither is this post to be considered a definitive guide to terminology. SAL Standard Acknowledgement Letter "Berries and Cherries" refers to the lights on a patrol car. NIREP Nuclear Industry Road Emergency Plan DVU Divisional Video User, EAH Early Administrative Hearing NIHHS Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Glossaries for Public Service Interpreters With over 10,800 English words, this PSI Glossary is a must for any DPSI Law or Health student or active interpreter. MOM Mortuary Operationas Manager ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition ILET International Liaison and Enquiry Team ABI Association of British Insurers List page number 3 ASP (Police baton) Killeen Police Jargon Page (the local police department in Killeen, Texas); Menlo Park Police Daily Log Glossary (PDF) (the local police department in Menlo Park, California) Staffordshire Police Jargon Buster (the Police Force in Staffordshire, England) [dead link]; UK Police Slang and Acronyms(a large and growing list of police slang submitted by Police forum members) OIOC Officer In Overall Command PWR Pressurised Water Reactor, QGM Queen’s Gallantry Medal NVC Non Verbal Communication, OGC Office of Government Commerce CNCD Consignment Note and Customs Declaration FCR Force Control Room LSE Local Security Environment Please find below useful terms, abbreviations and sets of initials, which you may come across if your voluntary and community sector organisation works closely with the police and criminal justice system, alongside a list of the police hierarchy. SC Security Check TIC Taken into Consideration LGV Light Goods Vehicle LAGLO Lesbian and Gay Liaison Officer EMDS Electronic Messaging Delivery Service HMP Her Majesty’s Prison RSO Registered Sex Offender or Road Safety Officer DAM Divisional Admin Manager Police Glossary. There are hundreds of police abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon words used in paperwork and on the radio by law enforcement officials. CJU Criminal Justice Unit AFO Authorised Firearms Officer CRO Criminal Records Office LU London Underground, MACC Military Aid to the Civil Community SOER Scottish Office Emergency Room AA Automobile Association PHQ Police Headquarters MOT Ministry of Transport test ST OBT STatement OBTained RAF Royal Air Force Police bail – Someone arrested by the police can be released if they sign a document called an undertaking, which means they promise to come to court at a later date and agree to certain conditions, such as not committing any other crimes. MIRSAP Major Incident Room Standard Admin Procedures ABC. IPA International Police Association OSC Office of the Surveillance Commissioners or Off-site Support Centre SLA Service Level Agreement MRT Mountain Rescue Team PACE Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 FCOP Force Codes of Practice FP Found Property Glossary. You could also try to find some glossaries of legal/police vocab in English and prepare your own Polish translations. Aggravated burglary entering premises armed with a weapon, intending to steal goods. DEO Divisional Enquiry Officer SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-framed MCT Major Crime Team VSS Victim Support Scheme, WDA Waste Disposal Authority HOPF Home Office Police Force BVPI Best Value Performance Indicator I'm fine with cookies AEAC Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary I'd like to manage the cookies, Quickly exit this site by pressing the Escape key, Escape key not available with JavaScript disabled, Breach of coronavirus (Covid-19) measures, How to tell us about possible terrorist activity, How to tell us about something you've seen or heard, Firearm, shotgun or explosives certificate, Information: about the police, about yourself or someone else. Police services also have their own internal slang and jargon; some of it is relatively widespread geographically and some very localized.. Billy Filth was common term for police in south London (used mostly by West Indian population) in 1960s and 1970s. Quickly exit this site by pressing the Escape key CCTV Closed Circuit Television CJX Criminal Justice Network see also PNN2 TFST Take Further STatement TCR Traffic Collision Records a.k.a. ACR Automated Crime Recording VAS Voluntary Aid Societies IIMARCH Information, Intention, Method, Administration, Risk assessment, Communication & Human rights NAFIS National Automatic Fingerprint Identification System Because ‘accident’ implies there's nobody to blame. HMCE Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise OR ATT Officers' Report ATTached Escape key not available with JavaScript disabled SMDS Switched Multi-Megabit Data Device PFR Police Federation Regulations 1969 Information held on the PNC allows police forces to carry out checks, for example, on a person’s criminal record or vehicle registration. AJD Administration of Justice Department (now Criminal Justice Unit) UHF Ultra High Frequency FBO Football Banning Order JIC Joint Intelligence Coordinator It has been prepared especially for the MetTest. LMC Lorry Mounted Crane SOC Scenes of Crime police car: Please step out of your vehicle and get into the police cruiser. The situation where police officers who are suspicious of an individual run their hands lightly over the suspect’s outer garments to determine if the person is carrying a concealed weapon. ISU Information Services Unit FSU Force Support Unit HSE Health and Safety Executive, ICP Incident Control Point NEBR Nuclear Emergency Briefing Room In the UK it is 16. FBOA Football Banning Order Authority PIN Personal Identification Number JNCC Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee MODACE Management of Disaster and Civil Emergency PSU - Police Support Unit is a team of officers trained in public order and are used in major incidents, support other officers and bashing in doors with the Big Red Key (see later). ICVA Independent Custody Visitors Association BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expansion Vapour Explosion RO Recovery Operator NAI Non-Accidental Injury A&E Accident and Emergency ACCOLC ACCess Over-Load Control CDU Corporate Development Unit MAPPP Multi Agency Public Protection Panel FEC Force Enquiry Centre NPT Neighbourhood Policing Team ACC’SO Assistant Chief Constable (Specialist Operations) ID Identification MOD Ministry of Defence UNISON (Civilian workers’ union) SEC Site Emergency Controller CIS Criminal Investigation System the UK authority which has power to do certain things in connection with co-operation with other countries and international organisations in relation to the collection of or hearing of evidence etc; transfer direction (mental health) a direction that a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment who is suffering from a DHQ Division Headquarters AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome FIM Firearms Incident Manager ROSH Risk of Serious Harm ATC Air Traffic Control TCG Tasking and Coordinating Group MIST Major Incident Support Team To indicate that you have received a transmission in full, you reply "ALL RECEIVED". BTP British Transport Police intercourse. PIO Public Information Office or Principle Investigating Officer WMS2 Warrant Management System BST British Summer Time SDAO Sub-Divisional Admin Officer SPOC Single Point of Contact ELO Explosives Liaison Officer SAYE Save as You Earn When a police officer refers to "berries and … CRUSE (Voluntary organisation for the counselling of the bereaved) MOU Memorandum of Understanding IO Investigating Officer SSD Social Services Department PSD Professional Standards Department IEU Incident Enquiry Unit RTI Road Traffic Incident SIESO Society of Industrial Emergency Services Officers CEPO County Emergency Planning Officer RIMNET (Radioactive monitoring network system) ERO Evidence Review Officer A caution is counted as a Sanction Detection (see definition below). NFA No Further Action RT Radio Transmission (frequency) A/S Arrest/Summons. HOPD Home Office Prison Department Sv Sievert (radiation measurement) VRF Volunteer Reserve Forces Chief CLASS A DRUGS: Represent those drugs that the . CPS - Crown Prosecution Service, the agency that prosecutes criminals at trial and advises police forces on investigations DC - detective constable DCC - deputy chief constable RIPA Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act FTD Fit To Detain DV Developed Vetting CPU Child Protection Unit DCC Deputy Chief Constable APSG Accelerated Promotion Scheme for Graduates. NCIS National Criminal Intelligence Service Air Accident Investigation Branch. Actual Bodily Harm. Line of Duty season 5: A bluffer’s guide to acronyms and abbreviations used in BBC drama Finding all the police lingo and abrvtns confusing? TST Take STatement EG Evidence Gathering Term CCU Computer Crime Unit ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers 2006 Scheme - The Police Pensions Regulations Scheme implemented in 2006. SCC Senior Command Course ; Allocation – the stage at which magistrates will decide whether to try a case that can be heard either by them or in the Crown Court. Research terms glossary; What works in policing to reduce crime; ... For example, if you match police officers on their number years employed as an officer, it is safe to assume that length of service will not account for differences between the primary outcomes of the experimental groups. List of most popular Uk Police terms updated in March 2021. MISPER Missing Person RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Glossary. RTRA Road Traffic Regulations Act 2015 CARE Scheme - Career Average Revalued Earning (CARE) is a kind of defined benefit pension scheme. BPA British Pipeline Agency PMAS Police Mutual Assurance Society SP Seized Property If you're looking for crime data please visit our Stats and data page via the link below; you'll also find data there on use of force and stop and search. VAT Value Added Tax MRCC Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre GP General Practitioner ABA. DVLC Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre IIO Initial Investigating Officer HMIC Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies RIO Rail Incident Officer BBC British Broadcasting Corporation DDI Direct Dial Inward They are crucial for enabling the UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU) and wider law enforcement to conduct analysis to identify money laundering trends, high risk cases for development and take immediate action where necessary. CYP Children and Young Persons, DAF Data Acquisition Facility IPTF International Police Task Force NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children GOSE Government Office for the South East AIS(M) Military Aeronautical Information Service FCC Force Communications Centre F/T Full-time NFIU National Football Intelligence Unit (in) custody noun: … Glossary for published police complaints statistics The following terms and their definitions are listed alphabetically. EPIC Emergency Procedures Information Centre FSSL Forensic Science Service Laboratory COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations OSCE Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe TIVLO Temporary Import Vehicle Liaison Officer DAPLC Director of Airspace Legal Co-ordinator CIA Chemical Industries Association FPP Force Policy and Procedure Police & Crime Jargon Buster. VASCAR Visual Average Speed Camera And Recorder FCP Forward Control Point BCU Basic Command Unit FEO Firearms Enquiry Officer RCC Rescue Co-ordination Centre WRVS Women’s Royal Volunteer Service, YCO Youth Case Officer SSMS Scientific Support Management System PACC Police Authority Community Consultation TAR ARV Armed Response Vehicle. AAIB. Allegation: This describes what is being complained about. BC Basic Check CIMAH Control of Industrial Major Accident JCC Joint Central Committee IPR Intellectual Property Rights CTC Counter Terrorist Check MCA Maritime & Coastguard Agency MATO Military Air Traffic Operations TU Trial Units PRIME Problem Solving in Multi-agency Environments FIR Force Information Room CID Criminal Intelligence Department DETR Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions CS (Incapacitating Spray) NHS National Health Service APS Acting Police Sergeant or Accelerated Promotion Scheme Acceptable Behaviour Agreement. DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs CSP Communications Service Providers FSS Forensic Science Service FSM Firearms Scene Manager SIM (Mobile phone card) RAYNET Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network A caution is intended to act as a first official warning by police to adults and to deter people from getting involved in crime as an alternative to prosecution. ERL Emergency Reference Level TOPS Total Operations Processing System JSEODC Joint Service Explosive Ordnance Disposal Report Centre, KIES Kenyon International Emergency Services, LA Station code for Eastleigh ITTU Information Technology Training Unit DIO Drugs Intelligence Officer or Divisional Intelligence Officer PER Prisoner Escort Record RSI Roadside Interview or Repetitive Strain Injury FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office ABC. SID Source Input Document SARDA Search and Rescue Dog Association NBM National Briefing Model NCS National Crime Squad HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle IMS Informant Management System PDR Personal Development Review AGR Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor VCE Vapour Cloud Explosion ABC. ACU Area Crime Unit TIE Trace, Implicate or Eliminate SEG (Ministry of Defence police) Special Escort Group BT British Telecom PM Post Mortem HFRS Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service PSU Police Support Unit Post-mortem examination – Examination of a body to establish the cause of death. Glossary of terms available from CIOL Language Services is a good start (although it only has 6 pages). PC Police Constable PIR Police Initial Recruitment AABC. Campus police; Carjacking; Child Sexual Abuse, First Degree; Citation; Civil Action; Complexion; Complainant; Complaint; Confession; Conspiracy; Contempt; Controlled Substance; Corruption; County Police; Court; Court Appointed Attorney; Criminal Action; D.… You will be taken to the BBC News website - this is in case you don't want someone to see you on this website, A6 Shotgun and Firearms Licensing Dept. VIP Very Important Person TFU Tactical Firearms Unit NSCCC (the Royal Navy’s casualty reporting system) To indicate that only part of the transmission was received, you reply "PART RECEIVED, SAY AGAIN, OVER" and the transmitter will repeat the message. Acceptable Behaviour Contract. CIU Crash Investigation Unit ROTI Record of Taped Interview UKPIA United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association This glossary was produced having in mind the difficulties that interpreting courses present with regards to terminology. PVI Police Vehicle Incident PAYE Pay as You Earn CMS Casefile Management System MAIB Marine Accident Investigation Branch mSv Millisievert (radiation measurement: 1 thousandth of a sievert) FLO Football Liaison Officer or Family Liaison Officer COI Central Office of Information AC Alternating Current RMU Resource Management Unit EO Equal Opportunities Not all victims of crime or criminals speak your language. SEO Station Enquiry Officer SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite System Your feedback helps us make things better, so please let us know what you think. Leave this site. Whether you’re working towards a career as a police officer or you want to better understand what’s happening on your police scanner, learning police lingo from a police terminology list can be fun and informative. Key points 1. AAIB Air Accident Investigation Branch SAR Search and Rescue SGLR Senior Government Liaison Representative ASBO Anti-Social Behaviour Order DTLR Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions As a first responder, it would be a good idea to learn the most common second language in the world, or at least the words related to your field of study. FMT Forensic Management Team COF Classified Occurrence File IED Improvised Explosive Device EBU European Broadcasting Union CSU Court Support Unit Misper – a Missing Person (“Sarge, is Lord Lucan still a misper?”) TWOC – Taking Without Owne… Administrative law Administrative law (sometimes referred to as ‘public law’) is the body of law which seeks to ensure that public bodies act within their powers and in a way which is lawful, reasonable and fair. With a weapon, intending to steal goods with regards to terminology a good (. ( although it only has 6 pages ) by pressing the Escape key Escape key not available with disabled. 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