
Views: 151


   A simple hello could lead from amazing friendships, business relations to many miracles….The only condition is to have the courage to respond to that hello! A simple hello can transform people from being strangers to being best friends and even soul mates! A simple hello said at the right time, can heal our souls and cure our fears, can make us feel safe in a world which most of the time is portrayed by being unsafe! A simple hello said it from the heart, can make us feel at home, even though we are living among strangers! A simple hello can break the barriers of distance and cultural differences and can help us celebrating our similarities, rather than focus on our differences! Please, let courage be your light! Reach out to people and have the courage to say Hello! Let’s build relations, not walls! Life is really amazing when we have around the right people! I am forever grateful to all of you who answered to my hello! May your lives be full of amazing moments and magic encounters! Hello, beautiful people! Hello, wonderful word!

Alexandra Mihai,

Montreal, 2016

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