You, my sacred space

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   My sacred place, one that I have been looking for my entire life, a place I knew that exists, a sacred place where I feel safe, loved, and protected, a sacred place that I can call it HOME! It took me 17 years, 5 months and 1 week to come back to my sacred place, to come back to YOU!

   Just by sitting beside you, looking at you, holding you close with my mind’s eyes, kissing your dreams, your fears, your joys and your sorrows, and loving you so deeply for who you are, I find my everlasting sacred space, where I always come back with my heart, my soul, my mind and my arms open, for it is only here, at home, with you, where SACRED has a deep and profound meaning, for it is only here I found you and in finding you, I find myself, now and for always!

   Listening to your kind words, absorbing your wisdom and celebrating your knowledge, I find my eternal sacred space, in which I grow, I become wiser, stronger, and more confident, for in appreciating all that you are, I learn to appreciate all that I am. In honoring your passions, I find my sacred place of learning how to honor my own passions, and in making you believe in your dream, I find my sacred place of following mine. Watching you detaching from the past chains, I find my sacred space in learning how to move on, how to learn from my past and how to be eager for the future! Waiting for you to come home every day, I find my sacred place in learning to be patient, watching you leaving every day, I find my sacred place in learning to trust, to have faith that tomorrow you will come back again to me, to us, to our sacred place!

   It is in this SACRED space that old worlds are collapsing, while new world are evolving. It is in this SACRED place that you and me are reborning from our own ashes, from our own regrets, despairs and passions, it is in this SACRED space that we become ONE, one with our souls, one with our dreams, one with our hopes, one with our eternal love! It is only in this SACRED space we can fulfill our destiny and live our lives from our highest perspective. Only in this SACRED space we will always find ourselves!

Alexandra Mihai,

Montreal, April 4th 2017

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